intense one-year programme
cocreative, immersive, user-centric
tech./ business/ legal focus
fully designed demo
Co-develop, run and follow-up a 4-phased entrepreneurial acceleration programme “from idea to working MVP” with the phenomenal service design evangelists at the corporate innovation department to iteratively prototype a FinTech business idea, that will be built as a spin-off of a major BU of a French multinational Bank
Starting with a 1-day kick-off workshop in Paris, the service design idea was formulated and fed into an immersive field dive to gather user, expert, stakeholder insights. These were the starting point for a one-week design bootcamp to develop an MVP solving the entire User Journey. The resulting click-dummy and pitch were stress-tested with legal, regulatory, IT and business experts, followed by the iterative UX design development of a functional Proof Of Concept. More specifically:
The new product/ service system is currently being finetuned by our designers to be handed over to the bank’s chosen developers. Launch is anticipated for Fall 2016 and we can’t show you the product at this stage, but we’ll keep you posted! (and here’s a very preliminary preview while you’re waiting)
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