IT, design and business background
from idea to investor pitch
demo video shot in NYC
at worldwide finals
Design Thinking meets Information Tech. meets Business Admin. meets Collaborative Consumption with CityShare! With payworks‘ co-founding IT-hero Johannes Lechner and students, Center Assistants and the Center Venture team of the CDTM, we developed and prototyped CityShare from initial idea to investor pitch at worldwide finals of NYC Next Idea business plan contest 2012.
What started as a late-night skypecall between Brussels and Munich with Johannes imagining “what if… we could make sharing unused items like DIY tools, household appliances, tech devices, chargers, etc. convenient, safe and lucrative for urbanites?” led to the NYC Next Idea runner-up spot after intense prototyping, business plan writing and pitch preparation sessions. But let’s start from the beginning:
Working prototype of our collaborative consumption app, pitch, business plan and quick demo video by Lechnerd Video Productions:
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