Fab(Lab) times with Design Thinking!
Revolutionizing education through making? Yes, please! We’ve just kicked off our series of quick Design Thinking crash-courses targeted towards educators (teachers, lecturers, professors alike) during a 2-day MakerBootcamp organised by the brilliant folks at FabLabFactory. After a quick run-through of mindset, method and process of Design Thinking, the dedicated educators rolled up their sleeves and prototyped new product solutions in the best possible setting we’ve ever had the pleasure to run our workshops in!
If learning the basics of Making, surrounded by the poetic humming of the machinery we love (3D printers, laser cutters, …) and the sight of repair shop tools, sketching with hardware kits (Arduino, LittleBits, …), dinosaurs and Eiffel towers in a phenomenal pop-up MakerSpace sounds like your perfect Friday morning: give us a shoutout, tweet away to Stijn and read up on the full story here